These are payments I received for signing up ($25) and then $10 for anyone I referred.
I have a big family, so I asked my mom,dad,brothers,sisters,aunts,uncles,cousins,and grandparents, along with a few friends, and even a couple of strangers to sign up...
the results were staggering, because after my family all signed up, that got me a big chunk of cash, but my parents and grandparents all transferred their $25 sign up bonus's into my account, even with this free money you can do member to member transfers, and my parents and grandparents were like, "we don't really know what to do with this $25, there aren't many online merchants who accept this, so they transferred their cash to me, and i withdrew all the money onto my Netspend card, and have been having an absolute hey day! note the dates on when i requested the withdraw, then look at how fast it posted to my netspend card, less than 24 hours!
i've played about $100 of it at casino's, it's nice having someone pay for you to play!
ok, here's the proof:

there are also a couple of cashouts, onr for $80 and one for $100, the others you see that have the senders email blacked out, are my family members that sent me their

i posted 3 seperate views so that you could see all of the transactions, since they are confined into one of those scroll down windows, it doesnt display the transcations in it's entirety, so i took 3 seperate screenshots scrolling down a little more each time

And This is just my netspend statement that shows that the money did infact make it onto my card... and impressively quick i must say...less than 24 hours!!

Hope this motivates some of you to go and get your free money too! I been having a ball playing at the casino's with this cash!!
here's the link to sign up if you want:
Lastly, if you too want to transfer your money onto your netspend card, here is how to do it:
there are just a few easy & simple instructions for adding your netspend card as your bank account, so that you can get your money wired directly onto your card, please follow them exactly:
*upon signing up you will have $25 in your account, you must scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "accept" to accept the $25 cash. DO NOT click any other option other than "accept" if you do, you will not get the money, and you can't try again, (it explains not to click the other options right on their site as well).
*after clicking accept, you will now see the $25 in your account balance. Now, on the left side of your account page, you'll see the option, "add a funding source" click on that, and some empty fields will be displayed asking you to enter you banking account information... so at this time, go log into your netspend visacard online account, and click on the option that says "direct deposit" (even clicking the "deposit using paypal" opyion is fine- both methods will display the account information you'll need for getting funds wired directly onto your netspend card.) The banking information displayed will say "Routing Number" (which is a 9 digit number) and directly below that there will be an account number and it will be displayed twice, (they are the same number, this just shows you an example for entering the account info because you will be prompted to enter it twice. The name of the bank "MetaBank" (please keep in mind, this IS NOT your personal checking account and it is not to be used for anything other than having funds deposited directly onto your netspend card, via your employer or a financial institution, which btw, this ewallet IS FDIC insured, unlike paypal) so please only use this information for that purpose- submitting this info for any other purpose will result in a denial from the bank (i.e, ACH's , etc...)
*ok, so once you enter the routing number and account number, click submit- you will get a confirmation message saying that you have successfully added a bank account (or funding source)
*then log into your netspend visa card account about 12 hours later and click on account history, (which is listed under account options) ... when you see 2 small micro deposits made back to back in small cents (like 0.06 and 0.19 ) that say, "DEPOSIT/CREDIT FROM REVOLUTION MONEY EXCHANGE" go back and login to your Rev Money Exchange account, and verify these amounts in the exact order in which they were deposited... so even though the 0.06 cents appears 1st and then the 0.19 cents appears on your netspend statement 2nd, the 0.19 cents was actually deposited into your netspend account FIRST, so you will need to add that amount FIRST, and then the other amount SECOND, or it will not go through (your deposit amounts will be different, they wont be 0.06 and 0.19 cents, that is just an example)
*after you enter those 2 amounts in ORDER, click submit- you will get a confirmation message telling you that you have successfully verified your account.... now, just go to the options at the top of the page and click on the "withdrawl" tab, enter the amount you wish to transfer onto your netspend card, which can be the entire $25, or less if you want... or more if you have referral bonus money (which will credit to your account instantly as the $25 did, the moment anyone signs up using your referral link)you'll also need to click the "accept" button to claim it as you did with the $25- just FYI )
Ok, Your all done... In the next 15-24 hours the funds you transferred will appear on your netspend card, and you can go to the casino of your choice and gamble on! (providing they accept netspend visa, which most do) .... Wahoooo! Free gamblin' Money!! Now Isn't this just the COOLEST!!!
I Hope you all have a good time with the free money whatever you decide to do with it, or however you decide to play, i wish you GOOD LUCK, and hope you win BIG!!!
Also, I just want to thank all of you who take advantage of this free money! because of also there is a $10 incentive for me as well, SO THANKS EVERYBODY & GOOD LUCK!