well what a week really starting to think what a big con this all is or ma bey am possessed by evil
forces that just wont me to fall wham bam flat on my face cause it seems really hard getting to get a bit a fun out of this getting yeah sure its a gamble that's what we are gamblers but how much are the odds stacked against us are they higher than we think for instance at first played a lot a bet Fred played every thing games casino bingo so much so a was made a gold VIP only certain members of staff are allowed to talk with you at first a got some half decent wins in the bingo 200 300 notes a believe that virtue fusion is something or part of playtech well the winning st oped nothing a was scared to bet 10 pence an a told them even on the slots spin after spin so the man at VIP customer service says stephen am going to have a word with those guys in the bingo see if we can get you back winning again,,, well how can they do that a mean these things are random are they not well to my surprise a won three times that day that was over a year ago a have never won another game of bingo in all that time at any playtech site or virtue fusion that's paddy power williamhill etc so a tryed bgo and never guess what a could win there and sometimes ma bey only a couple singel lines sometimes 3 full houses in the one night great but bgo are now playtech ma bey am paranoid but a have played there on four separate occasions and the winnings stopped even on the slots the slots have became ruthless so a decided to keep a re cored and its nothing more than disgusting the game purple hot playtech in William hill deposit of 10 all bets average here say 15p well it was of withthe tenner not a single win never closed game deposited 20 took that not a single win a deposited another 20 folks and first winning spin of 20p came when a had £3.50 left out of 50 a then spent a pain staking 2 hrs playing 5p spins and slightly increasing some bets but a pulled it back to £60 and it took the whole 60 bak in 10p spins wait without a single winning spin yes foolish a know so on that 60 alone that's 600 spins on the trot no win so tryed purple hot at paddys over 300 spins no win betfred over a hundred spins no win and bgo ain't got purple hot so a played Esmeralda 95 no win and they all read from the same hymn sheet when a complained and asked if there machines were working it is a random number generator blah blah its completely random and it can also digest real time information well a thought digest real time information does that mean it can read a newspaper bloody random 600 hundred spin one after another is not random and lets not all be fooled with this random thing because a man a human programed the machine to do what it does it has been instructed and the bingo they got me to win that day a find that also worrying but you need to deposit money first not that easy if ukash block your code for no reason which has happened to me 39 times in 18 month on these occasions a take a picture of voucher a letter and my provisional licence in fact a even got a nice receipt from them on the 20th for using it but 12 hrs later they blocked a voucher an wont me to send id again for about the 25th time its beyond me why as a can tell them on phone the voucher Puck code exact time place an post code a purchased it from next the will wont to know colour of my under ware well in that 12 hours my provisional is no longer any good wont id card am in UK a dont need one passport dont have and dont wont so there going to give me my money the only money a have back in about 15 to 20 days the amount a times they have id me you would think a was a international drug dealer and a would spend the winnings out my netteller account but am not allowed to withdraw them out with card because a made a deposit with ukash couldn't spend them on train ticket to see my daughter because am only allowed to spend on certain sites a can withdraw to bank but a dont have a bank account and if a did a wouldn't bloody need ukash then so its real fun this gaming pepole not think what the f,,k are ukash all about they are just pan an simple baskets controlling money that is not theres a think they are all ripping the pi sh