I am Thankful to be a citizen of the United States of America. Sure the U.S. isn't perfect and she has her faults. But they are very small compaired to her good quailities. Here are just a few examples:
I am free to say or write how I feel without the fear of punishment.
I have the right to own or not own a gun.
I am able to worship or not worship anything I want.
I am able to have none or as many children as I want.
As a woman, I am able to vote and have a say-so in our government at all levels.
I have the freedom to make my own choices.
I can live anywhere I choose.
I can marry anyone regardless of race or religion.
I have the right to agree or disagree with anyone or anything.
I have the freedom to change me and not be bound by anyone or anything.
These examples are just a few of the millions of freedoms being an American citizen has blessed on me. I, like so many others sometimes take our freedom for granted. I also sometimes forget, how many of those who have gone before me, have fought and died so that I may have and continue to have these freedoms. John Quincy Adams made the following statement and I hope his statement stays within me forever.
Posterity - "You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it." - John Quincy Adams
Happy Turkey Day Everyone!
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