Ciao carissimi gamblers , avrete letto nelle news come me che in questo solo mese di Aprile 2017 , nel blog LCB , ci sarebbero nascoste delle pepite , nel caso non lo sapeste vi invito aleggere le notizie news.
Il punto e' che oltre ad esserci quelle false solo 1 e' vera , e con importi diversi la piu' preziosa vale 50 dollari .
Io sto' provando a cercarle ma sinceramente ne ne ho ancora trovata neanche 1 e non so' neanche cosa devo cercare voi per caso ne avete trovate ??? e come sono fatte ???
cerco ma non so' cosa cercare
dicono che sono sparse nel forum qua e la ma quale ??
Hello dear gamblers, you will have read in the news like me that in this single month of April 2017, in the LCB blog, there would be some hidden nuggets, in case you didn't know I invite you to read the news.
The point is that in addition to there being fake ones only 1 is real, and with different amounts the most valuable is worth 50 dollars.
I'm trying to look for them but honestly I haven't found even 1 yet and I don't even know what I should look for, have you by any chance found any??? and how are they made???
I'm looking but I don't know what to look for
they say they are scattered around the forum here and there but which one??