Just thought I would let others know and am curious if anyone else just shrugged it off because its a free tourney.. that is what i have being doing till today..
You are now chatting with 'Luke'
Luke: Hi Stacey
Luke: How can I help you?
STACEY : Hi I would like to know why when im playing in tournaments that after free spins i am no longer able to continue
STACEY : it has happened during mad hatters more than once in the past but it just happened during loaded not to happy had over a min left and funds
Luke: Please hold for one moment while I check for you.
Luke: Thank you for holding Stacey. The only reasons that we are aware of for games acting in such a manner are due to poor internet connectivity. We are not currently having any other issues Stacey, this means it is an isolated incident.
Luke: In order to try and possibly resolve this issue for you it may be imperative that you uninstall the casino and download an updated version from the casino website.
STACEY: I am directly connected to the internet as well my packets are more than enough
STACEY : Oh and i just reformatted my computer so it running just like new thanks
STACEY : and i know that my connection is not the problem
STACEY : I have had this happen b4 but this is the first I have said anything due to it happening i with another game besides mad hatters
Luke: Ok. May I suggest that you try to uninstall the casino software and reinstall it to acquire the latest software. This may resolve the issue for you.
STACEY : i just installed this today
STACEY : it happened before i reformatted as well
Luke: Yes but the casino has an uninstall process which contains a procedure which you need to follow in which you manually need to delete certain files.
STACEY : I will take it to a forum and find out if im the only person maybe the others just have not said anything
Luke: If you would like the casino process please esquire with us at any time. We would like to ensure that you resolve this issue as soon as possible.
STACEY : i did a clean wipe of my hard drive sony o/s
STACEY : i will never find any files that resided before
Luke: The process I can send to you has got nothing to do with formatting a computer. These are just files located on your cache and PUDB folders.
STACEY : i have the downloaded version not flash
Luke: Yes this applies to both versions of the casino.
STACEY : obviously your system is oblivious to its glitch. wait till someone who pays 20.00 has it happen
STACEY : oh and thanks for ur computer tips but im pretty sure it will not fix the problem