Thanks for the contest idea, and Happy St. Patrick's Day to all LCB'ers! 
My Grandma's birthday was St. Patrick''s Day and my other Grandma always used to say: "You''re Irish!" to me. HER grandmother had crossed the Atlantic from Ireland, years and years before, with an old push--button squeezebox that was treasured by me until someone stole it in 2009. I hope it is at least with a music lover! I worte a song on it; fantastic tones.
To answer:
1) Guiness! Dark, stout, full flavour Guiness beer! Did you know that Guiness beer has been, for years and years, a genuine, legit prescribed by a physician beer, said to be a good nutritional boost, taken in moderation? (I added the 'taken in moderation' It is often served warm, rather than cold, for a fuller flavour.
2) When I was in my 20s I played in a band and partied quite a bit, so I know this one! It worked for me every time, even if I had consumed a full case of beer the night before (yes, I did that! Yikes.) I would buy a one-litre (half-gallonish) sized apple juice at the grocery and drink the whole think in about half an hour. An amazing and almost instant refresher.
3) I do like the new Lucky Leprochaun but, hands-down, by far...Irish Eyes, the original version. I am a low-roller, and at one nickel line bet it is possible to re-trigger the free spins and get into a cashout position. I have had this way, way up, including $62.50 on the lucky coins in the reels-one-and-five matchup 'pick me' bonus. Thrill.
4) I like to see my surroundings as indicators. I know that isn't supposed to be reliable, so I use a grain of salt with it. But if I am driving or on my way to play, my luck almost always matches the colour of cat I see on my way to the casino. ....Really! I am hesitant to say which colour it is that I find lucky, because I don't want anyone thinking that one cat is less wanted than another cat, but --- if I see a mixed colour, such as black AND white, mixed, thusfar it has been exactly the case. Some wins, some losses. It is almost as if to say 'today is a hot day at the slots' or 'maybe try another day'. Because of that, I have a picture of a cat in a pictureframe - a multi-coloured cat, to remind me and help me streamline my luck.
5) If I thought gambling luck came from 'a higher power' I would lkely not gamble, because I grew up in the Christian tradition where it is most desirable to have the meekest perspective, and other people are always going to be smarter, faster, more perceptive, etc., and in most cases that also translates to "...and ahead of you" so, basically, I would never win. But the gaming designers and the well-known game providers are, in my opinion, generous and chance-taking, which has brought me in, time and time again.
Cheers! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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